
Dogs (Starting at $95)
- Massaging bath with a premium shampoo
- Conditioning treatment
- Teeth brushed
- Ears cleaned
- Ear hair removed
- Glands expressed (externally, if requested/needed)
- Towel dry
- Fluff dry
- Nails trimmed
- Brush out
- Hair trimmed (to owner specification)
- Leave-in conditioning treatment
- Aromatic finishing spray upon request
- Bow or bandana
- Shed less treatment
- Skunk odor removal
- Nail polish
- Flea bath
- A la carte nail trims
- Creative Grooms
- Specialty trims

Cats (Starting at $100)
- Hypo Aloe premium shampoo
- Ears cleaned
- Nails trimmed
- Brush out
- Leave-in conditioning treatment
- Towel dry
- Lion Cut or Shave (owners preference)
- De-matting (not available on pelted or overly neglect coats)
- Blow dry
- Sanitary trim
- Shed less treatment
- Skunk odor removal
- Flea bath
- A la carte nail trim
- Creative Grooms
Read Barrie ann M.'s review of Groovy Grooming on Yelp
Read Chris B.'s review of Groovy Grooming on Yelp